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Marion Duschletta

Marion Duschletta, a passionate, full-time pop art and photo artist for over 16 years has gallery representations and exhibitions both in Switzerland and abroad.


She creates colourful works of art by using and transforming photographs and objects from all over the world. She layers various photos on top of each other, adding colours and patterns, and completes her works with acrylic paint and texture.

Marion Duschletta accepts commissions starting from 3,000 euros. Here are some examples of her commissioned work (already sold). The artist will respond to your special wishes and submit drafts in advance.


Marion Duschletta – Vivaaarte.Online-Künstlerin

*Some of the images show detailed views of the artwork, so please be sure to carefully check the size and description.

Kunstwerk von Marion Duschletta – Beautiful. Kunst Online kaufen bei Vivaarte.Online.

Expert opinion

Marion Duschletta


The Swiss pop art artist makes dreams come true. Marion Duschletta works primarily on commission and can count well-known companies such as Coca-Cola, Starbucks and McDonald’s among her clients. The artist has provided with some exclusively created works of art.


  • International gallery representations

  • International trade fair representations

  • Publications: miscellaneous books, catalogues

  • Commissioned works for renowned companies

  • Pictures, objects, digital art, mixed media

Künstler Profil
Kunstwerk von Marion Duschletta – Chanel No 5, 3er-Serie. Kunst online Kaufen auf Vivaarte.Online.
  • Instagram - Grau Kreis
  • Facebook - Grau Kreis
  • Pinterest - Grau Kreis
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